Metehan Demirtola

HI THERE Metehan Demirtola Electrical Electronics Engineering Student.

  • 5+ Experience
  • 15 Projects
  • 4 Internship

About Me

I'm Metehan Demirtola, born in 2002. I'm interested in embeded programming and mostly in stm32 boards. I like robotic projects and built drones, airplanes rovers etc with my friends. I know about most of communication protocols like spi, i2c, uart, sbus, ethernet and know about wifi protocols by using esp32/8266 boards. Moreover, I know about IMU sensor fusion like complementary, kalman and calibrations about them. To see my projects, swipe down.

Core Skills

  • STM32
  • Arduino
  • Python
  • C-C++
  • Raspberry pi
  • Electronics
  • KiCat

Other Skills

  • Eagle
  • Proteus
  • Github
  • Linux


2020 - 2025 Ostim Technical University Electric Electronic Engineering

This school truly helped me develop my skills, not through traditional lessons, but by providing valuable opportunities. Thanks to these opportunities, I had the chance work on lots of companies. we had 7 Internship and each of them were great experiences.

  • My grade average is 3.44.
  • Built lots of projects like rovers, drones, planes. Also worked with other companies on other projects like vr systems, education kits etc. Click Here to reach my projects.
2016 - 2020 IAOSB NUMTAL Technical Highschool

This school teached me lots of skills, not solely through traditional lessons, but by providing me with valuable opportunities. In these opportunities, I was able to learn creating a PID controlled line follower robots.

  • I was a successful student in my high school in both academic lessons and various projects.
  • I participated in line follower competitions and the design-build-race competition at "İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü" (Izmir Institute of Technology).

Work Experience

2024 - Still Sekiza Savunma, Havacılık ve Uzay Teknolojileri A.Ş Part Time R&D Engineer

I worked with camera systems and I was able to read thermal camera image from spi and write a CCI interface by i2c which is required for thermal camera. Click Here to reach my projects.

  • I encountered with lots of problems and took lots of research and tests for solving them. there were built-in problems in parameters with camera CCI which solving take really long time.
  • I saw thermal camera results both raspberry pi and stm32 board. I write algoritm for both of them.
2024 - 2024 Magnetron Savunma ve Uzay A.S. Part time

I was able to see profesionality in electronics. I saw embeded engineers how should a project designed, organised and other stuffs. I was able to see fpga boards but I didn't have enough time for learning them.

  • I saw how products should be profesional.
  • I learned what are fpgas and how fpgas are working.
2023 - 2024 DAZ Tech Part Time R&D Engineer

As a part-time job which I used Python and ArduPilot to craft a virtual simulation for an aircraft. Moreover, I participated in a rover project.

  • I Used python and mavlink along with Mission Planner, Qgroundcontrol and Gazebo for simulating a RC plane
  • I participated in a rover project which my duty was using a stm32 board for both communicating controller and creating the moving algorithm acording to controller's data. Click Here to reach my rover project.
2022 - 2023 IKARTU Dinamik Intern + Parttime

I worked as an intern at a company focused on virtual reality and the metaverse. During my time there, I created a project using the ESP 12F board, MPU6050 sensor, and Unity simulation to demonstrate how ESP boards can be used in IoT projects.

  • I designed a PCB for the ESP 12F and successfully put the project together on a breadboard.
  • I gained hands-on experience with ESP boards, which increased my confidence in working on similar projects in the future.
  • I used mpu6050 and compass with sensor fusion algorims for yaw, pitch and roll values and showed them in a plane simulation which I did with unity. Click Here to reach my simulation project.
2021 - 2022 Yıldırım Electronic Intern

I worked on Arduino programming for completing two projects: an ABS brake simulation for high school students and a sensor education kit for universities.

  • Developed an ABS brake simulation using Arduino-controlled motors.
  • Designed and programmed a comprehensive sensor education kit with 36 sensors across 4 boards.
2019 ENKO Electronic Intern

Started programming journey with a focus on Python. Learned sorting algorithms, socket programming, and developed a messaging app.

  • Learned PowerShell for scripting Python applications.
  • Developed proficiency in Python, focusing on TCP servers and clients for the messaging app.


Thermal Camera With both Stm32 and Raspberry Pi

While I was working at Sekiza, they assigned me a project where I have to read a thermal camera data with stm32. It was really long and tiring job and I spend 6 weeks for solving problems, reading datasheets and testing how it should be working. But in the end, everything worked fine and I got some great thermal images with both stm32 and raspberry pi.


At Daz Tech, I worked with Yakup Bağrıaçık on a project for Joyce to develop a versatile Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV). Joyce focused on designing the chassis, while we tackled challenges with the control system. We solved these by integrating a Pixhawk system, allowing the UGV to be controlled both with an RC controller by stm32 board and autonomously.